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WNICER chosen to support the MINICOR Initiative

Updated: Mar 2, 2019

The Multi-modal International Cardiomyopathy Outcome Registry (MINICOR) to be supported by the WNICER organization.

After several years of collaborative discussions across the imaging, heart failure and electrophysiology communities, a global multi-institutional initiative called MINICOR is set to be launched over the next 12-months. As the largest prospective data collection initiative in cardiovascular care to date, it is planned to bridge over 40 institutions and 10 vendors to collectively explore data-driven approaches to the management of patients with heart failure and those at risk for arrhythmia.

...planned to bridge over 40 institutions and 10 vendors to collectively explore data-driven approaches to the management of patients with heart failure and those at risk for arrhythmia.

Uniquely, MINICOR is equally represented across the fields of cardiovascular imaging, heart failure and electrophysiology. With international leaders from each respective field, the initiative will enable unprecedented collaboration to re-define the complete care pathway of patients with cardiomyopathy from initial presentation through to diagnostic testing, risk prediction modelling and care implementation.

Patient engagement

Core to the vision of MINICOR is the engagement of patients as partners in healthcare innovation. Patients at participating institutions will be enabled with transparent cloud-based control over the use of their anonymized data and will be provided regular updates regarding how their data has benefited researchers and led to technology development.

Technology development and implementation

Uniquely managed through WNICER, commercial partners investing in the MINICOR initiative will be engaged to ensure clinical translation of data-driven tools to improve cardiovascular care "at scale". As innovation reaches the clinical arena, patients contributing to its development will be informed and participate in the management of royalties generated by its success.

Patients at participating institutions will be enabled with transparent cloud-based control over the use of their anonymized data .

For more information on MINICOR please visit

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1 Comment

Feb 18, 2019

Thank you WNICER for supporting MINICOR! Without you I am not sure how we could have established such a broad number of partnerships.

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